- Matthias Winkler
Handling Severance Payments in Germany: Legal and Payroll Considerations
In Germany, severance payments (Abfindungen) can arise in two primary scenarios: either through a court …
- Matthias Winkler
Flat-Rate Wage Taxation (Pauschalierung der Lohnsteuer) in Germany
Flat-rate wage taxation, or Pauschalierung der Lohnsteuer, is a method in Germany where employers can …
- Matthias Winkler
Essential Contents of an Employment Contract: Employer Options and Checklists
An employment contract is a critical document that outlines the terms and conditions of the …
- Matthias Winkler
Employment Protection Against Dismissal in Germany (2024)
The employment protection against dismissal in Germany is a crucial aspect of labor law, providing …
- Matthias Winkler
Drafting Employment Contracts for Executives in Germany: Legal and Payroll Considerations
When drafting employment contracts for managing directors (Geschäftsführer) and board members (Vorstandsmitglieder) in Germany, it …
- Matthias Winkler
Dismissal of Board Members and Managing Directors in Germany: Payroll Considerations
When dismissing board members (Vorstandsmitglieder) of an Aktiengesellschaft (AG) or managing directors (Geschäftsführer) of a …
- Matthias Winkler
Comprehensive Guide to Hiring an Employee in Germany: Payroll Basis and checklist for Hiring an Employee
Hiring an employee in Germany involves a series of steps that ensure compliance with German …
- Matthias Winkler
Hiring Freelancers vs. Employees in Germany: A Guide for Foreign Companies
When expanding operations in Germany, foreign companies often face the decision of whether to hire …
- Matthias Winkler
Navigating the German Schwerbehinderten-Ausgleichsabgabe: Requirements, Rates, and Strategies
In Germany, employers are required to contribute to the Schwerbehinderten-Ausgleichsabgabe (compensatory levy for severely disabled …
- Matthias Winkler
Occupational Pension Schemes in Germany: Options for Employees and Employer Support
In Germany, the occupational pension scheme (betriebliche Altersversorgung, bAV) is an essential component of retirement …